Home Page Benefits Section

Show Benefits Section Screenshot

Show Benefits Section

To display the Benefits section on your home page:

  1. Go to Storefront > Theme > Customize > Theme Styles > Home Page > Benefits.
  2. Select the number of benefits you want to show. You can create up to 4 subsections within this area.
Show Benefits Section Screenshot

Create images for all of your store's benefits. The recommended size is 150px by 150px.

Benefit 1 Image URL

To set the image for the 1st benefit:

  1. Enter the image URL for the 1st benefit in the "Benefit 1 Image URL" field.
Benefit 1 Image URL Screenshot

Benefit 1 URL

To set the link for the 1st benefit:

  1. Enter the URL you want this section to link to in the "Benefit 1 URL" field (e.g., "/about-us/").
Benefit 1 URL Screenshot

Benefit 1 Title

To set the title for the 1st benefit:

  1. Enter the title for the 1st section in the "Benefit 1 Title" field (e.g., "Responsible Gun
Benefit 1 Title Screenshot

Benefit 1 Text

To set the text for the 1st benefit:

  1. Enter the text for the 1st section in the "Benefit 1 Text" field (e.g., "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque").
Benefit 1 Text Screenshot

Repeat for All Benefits

Repeat the above steps for all benefits you want to display on your store (up to 4).

Under "Benefits image width" and "Benefits image height", enter the dimensions for the images you created. All images for benefits should be the same size.

Save and Publish

After making all your settings changes, be sure to save your theme and publish it to apply the changes to your live site.